Provide groceries and cooking classes to families facing hunger

Kids like Mariah (pictured with her Cook-it Kit) really can do anything if they have access to healthy food

Provide groceries and cooking classes to families facing hunger image




Kids like Mariah (pictured with her Cook-it Kit) really can do anything if they have access to healthy food

Our community needs our help to access healthy food

Since 2008, 18 Reasons has offered free cooking classes and grocery donations for food-insecure families throughout the Bay Area. While we are all impacted by COVID-19, the effects of this global pandemic on the 3,500 food-insecure students we serve each year are devastating.

How the coronavirus pandemic affects our students

75% of our community program participants report income reduction and/or job loss in their household since this crisis began. 1 in 4 children and 1 in 6 adults in the Bay Area are at risk of food insecurity because of COVID-19. We are hearing from our longtime partners at local food banks and food pantries that they are struggling to keep up with the skyrocketing demand for food assistance during this crisis. Our students from low-income neighborhoods need our help to eat well during this crisis and beyond.

How we are helping our community eat well

18 Reasons is a nonprofit cooking school on a mission to empower our community with the confidence and creativity needed to buy, cook, and eat good food every day. To achieve this mission, we offer two food education programs. 18th Street Kitchen offers fee-based cooking and food classes and caters to an audience of community-minded foodies; ticket sales help support our free community programs for food-insecure participants. We also offer a suite of programs throughout San Francisco, Alameda, and Contra Costa counties for low-income families. These programs are free of charge and combine cooking and nutrition classes paired with weekly free groceries.

Through our two programs, we serve a diverse range of Bay Area residents who are connected by a passion for good food and home cooking. We are a nonprofit, and rely on a mix of grants, donations, and ticket sales to keep our programs running. Our vision is to create equity and belonging through the transformative and healing power of home cooking.

Donate today and together, we can take care of our neighbors in need

Want to make an even bigger impact? Make it a monthly gift!

Join The Tablesetters, our community of monthly donors, to make a lasting investment in 18 Reasons' mission. When you become a Tablesetter, you not only help our Community Program participants, you also help 18 Reasons have some predictability when it comes to what funds we will have available each month to enable us to provide much-needed services.

Choose "recurring" on your donation entry to join the Tablesetters and further our vision to create equity and belonging through the transformative and healing power of home cooking.